
BioganoMax liquid sulfur organic (S+)

Sulfur (S) is the fourth essential and highly-consumed element for plants after N, P, and K. The plant's need for S is even greater than other essential elements such as phosphorus. As most soils in Iran are alkaline and calcareous and the lack of OM limits the solubility of essential and micronutrients, the uptake of these elements in the root growth environment is practically slow.

ThereductiveS is the best type of this element for absorption in plants. The associated fertilizers in the form of sulfates need to be reactivated in the first stage to convert amines



Organic Liquid Potassium Silicate BioganoMax

Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust, accumulating in the epidermal tissues of leaf and root cells in the form of silica gel. This presence enhances the hardness and strength of plant tissues. The above fertilizer comprises vital elements including Si, N, K, organic carbon, and OM. The inclusion of Si specifically contributes to stem fortification, inducing a woody structure. Furthermore, it enhances the robustness of fruits, extending their durability during storage. Notably, the enhanced Si content elevates the plant's resilience against pests and diseases by forming sharp and woody cracks on leaf surfaces, presenting a deterrent to insects such as mites and aphids. In crops like rice, sugarcane, and cereals, it serves as a preventive measure against lodging and promotes sturdy produce.The presence of K in this product, besides improving the quality and marketability of fruits, contributes to the plant's resistance to various stresses and diseases. Another advantage of this  


Organic Potassium Biogano Max K+

Potassium (K+) plays a primary role in the size, quality, and shape of fruits


BioganoMaxP+ phosphorusorganic

Phosphorus (P) is one of the essential elements for plant growth, playing a crucial role in energy production and transfer within the plant. This element is highly necessary for the growth and development of plant roots and reproductive systems (flowers) in the soil

In agricultural lime soils, due to the high Ca content, phosphorus precipitates in the form of Ca phosphate, which is non-absorbable by plants


Organic Calcium Chelate BioganoMax(Ca-Chelate %9)

Calcium (Ca) is a divalent element that exhibits immobility within plants. Consequently, its deficiency first becomes apparent in the young parts of the plant, affecting both leaves and fruits.Ca deficiency is frequently found in acidic soils and those prone to high leaching

Organic Liquid BioganoMax 1 (NPK)

This fertilizer contains a significant amount of organic carbon, enriched with N, phosphorus, and K in optimal proportions. The OM within aids in the harmonized absorption of essential nutrients such as N, phosphorus, and K. Recommending its consistent use throughout the plant growth cycle for enhanced performance and superior product quality. The active organic carbon in the formula stimulates the proliferation of beneficial soil microbes. Moreover, this fertilizer acts as a preventive measure against soil salinity and alleviates plant stress. A balanced organic carbon content in the soil signifies fertility, creating favorable conditions for robust plant growth and development. 


Organic Liquid BioganoMax 3 (Micro-Nutrient)

N, phosphorus, and K are essential nutrients for plants and play a crucial role in all growth stages, from root development to fruiting. In addition to macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients, or trace elements, are also of special importance at every stage of plant growth. Iron plays a pivotal role in the formation of chlorophyll, while Zn and B are essential for pollination and flower formation. Manganese contributes to fruit coloration, and copper is instrumental in enhancing plant resistance to stress, fungi, and bacteria.


Organic Fruit Set Biogano

Organic Fruit Set Biogano fertilizer contains N, zinc (Zn), boron (B), and OM. It is highly effective in promoting the conversion of flower buds into fruits. This fertilizer containsZnand B, which play a crucial role in facilitating the pollination process on the stigma of the female flower. N, along with OM, enhances the better absorption of these two elements (Zn and B). The application of this fertilizer is recommended at two distinct stages: during the bud swelling phase and post-fruit harvesting in orchards. Moreover, it is employed in vegetable cultivation to enhance the conversion of flowers into fruits. An additional benefit is the reduction in alternate bearing in fruit trees when using this fertilizer



Amino Acid BioganoMax

The role of amino acids in enhancing plant stress resistance is characterized by their energy-saving function for the plant. The production of amino acids by plants is a highly energy-intensive process, particularly in adverse environmental conditions. Over the years, agricultural scientists have taken measures to counter amino acid deficiencies in plants and mitigate the undesirable effects that lead to diminished plant performance.Hence, they tendto produce fertilizers containing amino acids.


Humic Acid Biogano Max

Humic acid, with dark brown color, is a key component of humic substances. This compound improves the physical, chemical, and biological structure of the soil, promoting better seed germination and root development in plants. Furthermore, it facilitates the absorption of other nutrients for the plant.